
State of the Instance (March 2023)

Posted by grips on 2023-03-19 ยท Category: updates

What? March already?! I could swear that just yesterday it was twenty-e... oh...

Screw it, skipping a month. (Even though these reports usually cover the last month, I've noticed that Joe Biden always delivers the State of the Union for a given year inside that year, so I'm trying to do something similar.)

Update 2.5.1

After the last major update, another small update was released that consists of bugfixes only. (Changelog) Since there aren't any new features, I went ahead and upgraded Cawfee Club to 2.5.1 after a short testing.

Among other things, the custom emoji are now visible in the picker again. The problem was that emojis that were not parts of emoji packs were not displayed. In our case, that's all of our custom emojis (it's just one giant folder with images.)

New feature: Announcements

Among the features added in 2.5.0, one of them was announcements. I tried it out on a testing instance and it... works, but doesn't feel very reliable. All of the announcements show on a separate tab and when you have some unread ones, a number pops up, but that's not visible when the sidebar menu is collapsed -- and of course it's missing in other clients like bloat or mobile apps.

Expect to see some announcents in the future (mostly for important stuff like planned outages) but there will still be other methods of communication, like admin posts and news in the sidebar.

Error pages

I also finally figured out how to setup up custom error pages, so from now on, there should be a little more than a big 502 Bad Gateway and you'll have at least some idea of what's actually going on, or where to contact me.

Operating costs

Operating costs for February 2023
cawfee.club (server) $30.00 USD
cawfee.club (block storage) $2.50 USD
old.cawfee.club (server) $3.50 USD
000.testing.cawfee.club (server) * $-2.15 USD
Total $33.85 USD

* Credit for early cancellation in January.

(And actually the costs for December 2022 were higher than I thought, since the domain got renewed at that time.)

And that's it for now. I'm still trying to find some time for that migration to Rocky Linux, but you'll get an announcement for that. :)