
State of the Instance (August 2021)

Posted by grips on 2021-08-01 ยท Category: updates

Finally on time!

Storage issues resolved

Because the main server drive kept filling up, I experimented with moving the entire instance database to the attached block storage. Contrary to my expectations, it didn't slow down the instance that much.

This means that there shouldn't be any outages due to insufficient disk space any soon.

To celebrate, I've plundered my friend's Discord server for emoji.

New emoji

These ones are from... Umineko? Dunno what that is but they seem to have potential.

:battlercry: :beato: :erikaface: :erikasmug: :happydumbass: :necoarc:

And an assortment of others.

:autism: :dabuko: :disgust: :fedorashrek: :feelsguy: :merchant: :pensiveclown: :pinkwojak: :shyboo: :slowpoke: :soyjak: :thinkbird: :trollface: :uwu: :virgin: